
84% of the total reach of major advertisers, exclusive to TV, 2% to Digital and 14% duplicated between both channels

Our bimonthly ranking measures the top cross-media video campaigns of all advertisers in the industry in Spain disaggregating the contribution of each medium.

Feb 14, 2024

Television** accounted for 83.7% of the total reach generated by the advertisers with the most reach in Spain between October and December 2023. Digital accounted for 2% of the exclusive reach and the remaining 14.2% was doubled between television and digital media. This is one of the conclusions drawn from our disaggregated ranking, which measures the major cross-media video campaigns of all industry advertisers in Spain by disaggregating the contribution of each medium.


Reviewing the ranking by brand, Carrefour ads were the most viewed by Spanish Internet users, reaching practically the entire population over 18 years of age -99.9%-. Breaking down the data, we find that TV reached 71.8% of Spaniards exclusively; digital reached 1.1% of the population, while the remaining 26.9% saw the ads on both TV and digital platforms and media.

Two points behind is Banco Sabadell, whose video advertising was seen by 97.8% of Spaniards. In the case of the financial institution, television served to reach 78.2% of the population exclusively; digital media and platforms reached 0.81%, while 18.8% were impacted in duplicate.

Almost on a par, although with a different mix, we find Aldi, which repeats third position with respect to the previous ranking. The supermarket chain reached 97.7% of the population with its campaigns in the fourth quarter. In its case, 86.4% saw the ads only on TV, compared to 0.4% who did so through digital media and 10.9% who were impacted in both media.Lidl is in fourth place, with 96.4% reach. It is the advertiser with the lowest TV reach in the top 5, with 57.6% of exclusive TV contribution, compared to 2.9% for Digital and 35.9% combined between the two brands.

And, closing this top 5, we find Paco Rabanne, which has, on the contrary, the highest exclusive TV coverage of the entire ranking, 90.4%. In the case of this advertiser, only 0.05% was exclusive to Digital, while 2.13% was duplicated between both platforms.

Si atendemos a la contribución media de los distintos medios, encontramos que la televisión alcanzó, de media, al 71,4% de la población en exclusiva; el digital, al 1,7% y entre ambos, al 12,1%.

How do we do it?

To compile this ranking, we process and measure cross-media campaigns that exceed certain levels of linear TV spend and impressions in any digital environment with video using a unique methodology on a continuous group of panelists representative of the population -single-source-. This overcomes the fragmentation of metrics and provides a unified view of the impact of a cross-media ad spend.

Ranking_FLUZO_ 4T 2023_completo.jpg

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