
71% of major advertisers' coverage exclusive to linear TV, 3% to Digital and 25% duplicated between the two channels

Linear TV contributed, on average and exclusively, 71.5% of the total coverage generated by the twenty advertisers with the highest reach between July and September 2023, more than five points higher than in the previous quarter.

Nov 3, 2023

Linear television** contributed, on average and exclusively, 71.5% of the total reach generated by the top twenty advertisers between July and September 2023, more than five points higher than in the previous quarter.

**Digital contributed 3.3% of exclusive coverage and 25.2% of total reach was doubled between TV and digital. These figures are reflected in our new ranking, which measures quarterly and disaggregates the contribution of each medium to the major cross-media campaigns of advertisers in Spain.

At the top of the ranking - for the second consecutive quarter - is Vodafone, whose ads reached 99.3% of Spaniards in the analysis period. Breaking down the data, we find that Linear TV reached 59.5% of Spaniards; digital exclusively reached 2.2% of the population, while the other 37.6% of coverage was doubled between TV and digital.

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In second place, we find Línea Directa. In the third quarter of the year, its campaigns reached 97.3% of Spanish internet users. In this case, television reached 54.1% of the population; digital media and platforms reached 2% of Spaniards, while 41.1% were impacted by both channels.

In third place is Aldi, repeating its position from the previous quarter. Its advertisements reached 96.8% of the population during the period under analysis.64.5% were reached exclusively on television, 0.6% only through digital media and 31.7% saw advertising in both media.

In fourth place is Carrefour, the second in the previous quarter.96.6% of Spaniards were impacted by the French retailer's campaigns. 50.2% of the population saw these ads only on TV, 3.5% only on Digital and 42.7% on both channels.

Closing the top 5, we find Iberdrola, which debuts in this ranking.77% of the Spanish population saw the company's advertising only on TV, the highest TV-only coverage of the entire ranking.1.4% were impacted only on Digital and 16.3% on both channels. In total, 94.7% of the population was impacted.

Regarding the average contribution of each medium for the top 20 advertisers, TV scored 63.6% of exclusive coverage - 5.4% more than the previous quarter - 2.9% in digital media and platforms alone - the same percentage as the previous period - and 22.4% was impacted in both, 2.1% less than in the second quarter.

Check out the full Top 20 below 👇

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