
This is how Mexican retail advertises

Coppel, Palacio de Hierro, Liverpool, Sears and Suburbia are Mexico's 5 biggest retail players. We measured and compared their advertising coverage with our single-source methodology.

Apr 1, 2021

Coppel, Palacio de Hierro, Liverpool, Sears and Suburbia are Mexico's five biggest retail players. We measured and compared their advertising coverage on over 200 channels with our single-source methodology.

During this past June, **93% of Mexicans over the age of 18 were impacted by one of the advertising campaigns of Mexico's five biggest retail players, **Coppel, Palacio de Hierro, Liverpool, Sears and Suburbia.

It is part of the data revealed by the comparative analysis we carried out along with our panel partner, Netquest, through passive measurement of their campaigns on TV, radio and online video. The study delves into the performance of the campaigns of the five advertisers, dealing with total reach and the reach each media channel generated for each one of them.

Additionally, thanks to panel profiling, we were able to understand each media outlet's reach segmenting audience according to shopping habits, that is, finding out campaign reach among users who prefer to shop at physical stores and those who opt to do it online, even differentiating their reasons for shopping online.

To access the complete study, fill in the following form.

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